Broccoli gives Valencia wings

Aug 2, 2022 | General

Valencia Michaels has been supervisor on Uitkyk since 2007. She leads the teams from planting of broccoli and cauliflower seedlings to harvesting the heads.

In commemorating Women’s Month, Tikketai wants to honour and acknowledge the women who are key role players in the value chain to ensure first-grade broccoli and cauliflower all year round. 

Valencia Michaels has been on Uitkyk, Brian Robertson’s farm, for 15 years.  She is responsible to take the lead with the teams on the field when it comes to planting broccoli and cauliflower seedlings and harvesting the heads.  When she speaks one can hear the bells and whistles of joy in her voice.

Brian explains that the name Valencia means strong and healthy. “She is a very strong leader and adds value every day by creating a positive and healthy working atmosphere and making sure we drive quality in every process towards providing broccoli and cauliflower”, he elaborates.

Valencia loves her job.  She says that she enjoys her job to such an extent that she will never leave this job for another.  “There are great working relationships on this farm and the best place for me is in the field with the team planting or harvesting,” she adds.

Valencia was born and bred in Sinksabrug, a stone’s throw away from where she now works.  After taking up different jobs across the country, she completed the full circle and returned home.  She has three children and two grandchildren and says that broccoli is her bread and butter.